OnBoard Meetings

UX Design Apprenticeship Co-Design Workshop Usability Testing

Redesigning OnBoard Meetings' Approvals and Actions features to improve overall user experience through research and usability tests.

OnBoard Approvals Page


Understanding the Project Context

My Role

UX Research: Heuristic Evaluation, Design Systems Sprint, Competitive Analysis, Co-design Workshop, User Journey
UX Design: Ideation, Mid-fi Wireframes, Usability Testing, Hi-fi Prototypes

Project DEtails

Duration: 5 months, Aug '23 - Dec '23
Type: UX Design Apprenticeship
Team: Aashwini Vachhani, Dean Carroll, Evan Brehm, Jasmine Li, Prithvi Manjunatha
Team Leads: Connor Schrank, Jarred Porter


OnBoard Meetings is a board management software that offers tools for efficient communication, organization, and decision-making for board members within an organization. Redesign of Actions and Approvals, the key features of the board management app, OnBoard Meetings. The goal was to improve improve states of Actions homepage and optimize Approvals page for screen real estate and intuitive information presentation. 

Research current features to identify issues and suggest design system improvements for the proposed designs. The outcome was to create interactive prototypes for user testing to improve end-user experience.


How Might we Redesign OnBoard’s Actions and Approvals for Board Members for Improved User Experience?

OnBoard tasked us with enhancing board members’ user journey with Approvals and Actions. We aimed to make them functional, informative, and intuitive. The project involved evaluating the existing design of OnBoard’s Actions and Approvals features and proposing redesigns to improve the end-user experience.


Actions Page

Our redesign introduces user-friendly filtering and sorting options for Actions based on their states. We’ve also revamped the visual representation to make it more intuitive for members to quickly identify the current state of Actions.

Actions Page

Approvals Page

In our redesign, we’ve added features and enhanced existing ones. We’ve also revamped the approvals page layout to be more informative, including vote details, direct discussion access, and relevant approval information.

Approvals Page with Sections Expanded


Exploring the Problem Space to Identify Key Issues

Secondary Research

Heuristic Evaluation

Through heuristic evaluation, we analyzed the current interface based on usability guidelines to identify design issues and provide design recommendations.

Heuristic Evaluation 1: Actions' State Visibility

In the current design, plain text labels are used to indicate Approval states, which makes it challenging for users to identify and distinguish different statuses. The absence of a clear indication of approval status beyond the text labels leads to potential confusion and difficulty in understanding the status without close inspection, which contradicts the principle of visibility of system status.

Existing design violating the heuristics' rules

Lack of visual hierarcy between
Action state and Action Name

Existing design violating the heuristics' rules

The 'Open' state of this action is
represented through plain text

Heuristic Evaluation 2: Approvals Discussion

The current Approvals interface does not efficiently utilize screen space, requiring users to click through several pages to access the voting discussion violating the heuristic recognize rather than recall. Approvals in draft state are prioritized over open Approvals in terms of visibility. This does not adhere to industry best practices and violates the heuristic of consistency and standards.

Existing design violating the heuristics' rules

Users select an approval to view more information

Existing design violating the heuristics' rules

Users click “View Discussion” to communicate with other voters

Existing design violating the heuristics' rules

The chat pop-up appears, allowing users to send messages to others

Heuristic Evaluation 3: State Hierarchy

OnBoard’s current design lacks flexibility and efficiency. Users frequently have to click multiple times to access essential features. Furthermore, the Approvals state is often ambiguous, making it difficult for users to distinguish between different states.

Existing design violating the heuristics' rules

Items in draft state are listed above open approvals. Open/available items are listed first by default.

User Journey Map

While the Approvals feature serves admins, contributors, and readers, our redesign prioritized board members. Board members oversee management and strategic direction and their needs include casting votes, participating in discussions, and viewing voting results.

User Journey Map, Board Member's Perspective

User Journey Map from a Board Member's Perspective

Takeaways from User Journey with the Service

Takeaways from User Journey Map

Primary Research

Co-design Workshop

For the co-design workshop, we recruited board members from Purdue University Communities to interact with the product and perform tasks on OnBoard to actively involve users and gain insights into their perspectives.

Walkthrough of the OnBoard's Current Design

Provided an overview of the existing OnBoard interface, ensuring participants understood its design and features.

Performing Tasks and Voting as Board Member

Guided participants through tasks such as creating an Approval, accessing Voting and Discussion sections, and viewing results.

Uncovering the Strengths an Pain Points

Analyzed strengths and weaknesses of the current OnBoard interface from board members perspective to identify issues.

Feedback Session Post Workshop with Participants

Received feedback from participants of their experience with the Actions and Approvals pages of the existing design.

Co-design Activity

Co-designing with a board member of a Purdue University's student club

Co-design Workshop Takeaways

Customization Needs

The interface required more customization options, such as filters to improve the browsing experience.

Inefficient Use of Screen Space

Organizing the content prioritizing information hierarchy and could help guide user actions more effectively.

Lack of Visual Hierarchy

Implementing tags for better categorization and visualization to improve usability for existing and new users.


How Might We Address the Pain Points in the Current Actions and Approvals through Our Redesign?

Current Design

The current OnBoard Approval page lacks detailed information on available actions and filtering and sorting options, making it hard for users to find open actions.

Existing Design of the Page

The current approval design lacks essential information, making it challenging for users to discern its status. The interface elements lack visual hierarcy, hindering quick glance-based identification.

Existing Design of the Page

Updated Design System

OnBoard outlined design system expectations, including preliminary research for foundational knowledge and its application in the redesign. Using Figma, we created a design library with various states for essential components like buttons, typography, and layouts.


Colors, Typography, and Icons



Checkbox, Radio, Switch2

Checkbox, Radio-buttons, and Switch Buttons

Input Fields and Menu Components

Input Fields and Menu Components


Our Final Redesign Proposals for OnBoard's Features


With our redesign, we have addressed these issues by introducing options to easily filter and sort the actions based on their states. We have also revamped the representation of actions, making it more visual and enabling members to easily identify the current state.

Actions Page


The redesign introduces several new features and improves existing ones. The improved layout of the Approvals page makes it informative-dense by including details of votes cast, providing direct access to the discussion section, while also offering more information about each approval.

Approvals Page with Sections Expanded

Usability Testing

To evaluate the current OnBoard website and compare it with the redesigned proposal, we measured the time and clicks required to complete a few tasks. Participants were introduced to the OnBoard's features and asked to perform a think-aloud exercise throughout the task completion process.

The results from the users’ testing showed that there was a 38% reduction in clicks and a 20% decrease in task completion time, significantly improving interface efficiency and performance reliability.